When not at the computer, seton can be found in a major “Alaskan” city trying to stay out of trouble and keeping her nose clean.
To contact seton, reach her at LindaSeton42 @ Gmail. I’ll try to get back to you depending on real life.
When not at the computer, seton can be found in a major “Alaskan” city trying to stay out of trouble and keeping her nose clean.
To contact seton, reach her at LindaSeton42 @ Gmail. I’ll try to get back to you depending on real life.
Hi Seton!
What a divine Hermes website! Kudos!!! I’m Merrydish on the Purse Forum and have enjoyed your informative posts there for quite a while. But, I had no idea you were also a member of HSCI until somebody posted information about this website. Fantastic. While you are way north in Alaska I am in the opposite direction in Boca Raton, Florida.
Anyway, I, too, have a great love for Hermes scarves and have been collecting for over 40 years. Too bad the new price increase will put a damper on my shopping.
Do hope to hear from you and, again, congratulations on an excellent site.
Warmest regards,
Hello Meredith!
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, you could say that I am a charter member of HSCI. I was there at the beginning when it started. I sold a carre to the list owner on eBay and she told me that it was her first Hermes and she was starting a Yahoogroup. That was how I got the invite.
January 10th, 2008 at 7:19 amDear Seton,
I’ve just found your site. I recently bought a Hermes scarf by Philippe Ledoux called Gronland. I’m not a connoisseur.
Would you have any information on this particular item?
Thanks in advance.
Let me wish you a very happy New Year 2008!
Best regards,
Laurence (from France)
Bon jour, Laurence.
Yes, I will eventually do a post on Gronland someday. Just check back every once in a while.
January 15th, 2008 at 3:34 pmWhat a lovely website and blog!
Thanks for sharing this–I found this through HSCI and the Purse Forum (I just joined that).
Thanks for sharing this, and it’s lovely to see some of the other colorways of my favorites.
All the best for 2008.
January 26th, 2008 at 4:39 pmGinger
Hi Seton,
Just wanted to stop in and commend you on this wonderful site that you’ve built, as well as thank you again for your help in ending my “grail” search. You are a true asset to the Hermes community.
Julia L
Julia L,
Thanks for stopping by. Glad to hear that you are enjoying your bag!
January 29th, 2008 at 10:31 pmHi Seton – I, too am an HSCI member and a rather more recent tPFer. Just found your site and wanted to congratulate you – it is great and I’m so pleased to be able to browse around and look at all the lovely Hermes goodies. I’ve enjoyed your posts on tPF as well! Thanks again!
Thank you very much for your kind words, Anne.
– seton
February 13th, 2008 at 9:48 pmI have most recently bought an Hermes scarf, Au Coeur de la Vie in turqoise colorway because I fell in love with it. I didn’t know who the artist was, or what the design is about, and I hardly ever go into an Hermes boutique (it was an accident as I was running an errand for someone who wanted some scarf rings). But it took me just 5 seconds to decide since it took my breath away. I googled for more thorough information about it, and it brought me to this site. I think I appreciated the scarf even more. Thank you so much. While doing research at the purse forum, I got to see the HSCI link. What a lovely wealth of information! It just may be the start of a love affair with all things Hermes.
Thanks again!
March 4th, 2008 at 2:16 amWhat a great site… i applaud you for the amount of time i know it took you to compile it. I’ve been collecting les choses Hermes for over 25 years and my house is full of orange boxes of all sizes. I’m on all those lists but seldom post. Thanks.. i have bookmarked it and plan to come back often.
June 12th, 2008 at 10:19 amI love your website Seton! It’s obvious that you enjoy the history behind these. I do too. I have several very old issues, LeDoux, Douchez etc. I wish I had more Dauchez. I tried to find some info on him. Was he an Algerian? I find his work really interesting. I have the very early nautical “Tableau”
October 12th, 2008 at 11:17 amof ships communicating at sea. If you want the photo, just let me know.
Best Regards,
Dear Seton,
October 29th, 2008 at 1:09 pmThanks for providing such a wonderful resource! I own a high end women’s consignment business and being able to provide accurate evaluation and information to our clients is essential. I will be back to vist your site often.
Best Regards,
Hi Seton:
May 3rd, 2012 at 9:56 pmThis is great that you have the same love for hermes scarves. My mom worked at Hermes when they had presence in Panama and Central America in the 80s, so she kept a looooooooot of scarves that I get to wear from now and then.
I also loved when she got home every afternoon, because she had a pretty generous stash of Hermes parfums….Caleche, Amazon…all those beautiful smells when my mom got home from work.
For me Hermes has a sentimental value on every item.
I have some framed scarves: CUIRS DU DESERT in blue and white, and SAUVAGINE EN VOL in cream…my mom own a lot more. If you want I can take pictures so you can increase your album collection.
Best regards.
Hello Seton,
I love your site. I also love Belle du Mexique and would like to one day buy it in a shawl size. I believe it was last issued in Autumn 2007. Do you think Hermes will re-issue it in the next few years?
Thank you.
Hello Julie. I do believe that H will reissue it in some size. Dont know if it will be cashmere shawl again tho. – seton
January 30th, 2013 at 12:27 pmHi Seton!!
Finally found some free time to luxuriate in your site, which I love, of course! It is on my “coffee-in-the-morning” list of pleasures.
Thanks for doing all this,
March 21st, 2013 at 12:53 pmJana (Jahna)
am trying to find and locate a name for an old hermes scarf of primitive animals like in the ark standing around a tree…it was signed in the middle
April 17th, 2013 at 11:59 amHello! I have a special edition coca cola Hermes scarf Eperon d”or. You are the only site I have been able to find anything with a similar piece! I saw your little shot do you know anything else about it? Thanks.
Nope. – seton
April 23rd, 2013 at 9:32 amI just got my first Hermes Scarf as a gift. I’m excited to use it. It is the Madame and Monsier one.
February 25th, 2014 at 12:55 pmHello, I wonder if you can help or guide me? I have a number of Hermés scarves, all silk, 90x90cm that I would like to sell, all brand new, never worn. The scarves were bought between 1995-1999 ca and comes from a private collection/inheritance. Unfortunately I don’t have the boxes anymore. Looking forward to hear from you. Regards.
Your three choices are local consigner, online consigner, or DIY on ebay.
March 4th, 2014 at 5:12 pmDear Seton!
Maybe you know some sites where from i can learn more about it? Is it collected the same often as scarves?
June 26th, 2014 at 7:18 amFirst i would like to say thanks for all the work you have done! It is a great amount of time and energy, and your knowledge of the subject is astonishing! I have a collection of Hermes scarves, but not very big one, though i understand that every scarf is a real masterpiece and treasure. However i have a question about Hermes jewelry
Thanks for help and have a great day!
I would like to see a photo of Galop Volant.
January 21st, 2015 at 2:25 amI can’t seem to figure out how to find it on your site.
Hi Seton,
December 18th, 2015 at 12:24 pmI’m a “Latham” and was interested to learn about Caty (Cathy) Latham’s work for Hermes. Do you know if she is still alive?
George Latham.
As far as I know, yes she is!
December 21st, 2015 at 2:48 pmHello again, I forever keep visiting this lovely and informative website, thank you so much for taking the time and effort to maintain our source of knowledge!
January 29th, 2016 at 2:06 pmIn my quest for information about Hugo Grykar I turned to you and as always fund new knowledge. In my search I stumbled across the following site, giving valuable knowledge about the scarf, apparently from 1946, Lettres de Napoleon – here it is:
Hopefully someone else will benefit from this, too!
Sincerely yours,
Eli Wongraven
Good evening Seton, compliments for your passion.
January 9th, 2017 at 4:43 pmin 1989 I bought a 140 x 140 cachemire and silk Neige d’Antan scarf for my wife, and she keept for long time. last year we lost a luggage during a trip and the scraf was in. Very sad. next February I have 30 years married and I’m looking how to find another Neige d’Antan awesome scarf. My wife Alessandra owns a huge collection of Hermes items but she miss a lot this unic one. Thank you in advance for your courtesy in this matter. Have a nice evening. Edmondo Segre
You can only find Neige 140s on ebay now and they go for double the retail because of supply and demand.
January 16th, 2017 at 10:34 amHi, Seton
Is your For Sale list still valid? I am interested in one of the scarves on the list.
Thank you!
January 16th, 2018 at 9:46 pmSharon
Hello Seton, I have been following your wonderful blog for a long time now and have just posted something under the jacquard scarves thread. I wd very much appreciate any help re the Amours scarf on kites jacquard which I have. Everyone says it was a special edition, but that’s all the info there is, no date or what was the occassion for this edition, and I’ve never seen it on sale so no informatio ab it from any clever seller either. Many thanks in advance to anyone who is able to shed some light on this small mystery, and thank you for your website with such a wealth of information ab Hermes scarves.
January 22nd, 2018 at 12:47 pmHello, seton. Greatly enjoy your website. May I know if the scarves on your sale list are still available? I see one of my wishlist silks there.
Thank you!
February 22nd, 2018 at 9:01 amSharon
Dear Seton,
This is a fabulous website!
I often come, look and find a lot of information here, thank you very much.
Yesterday I checked your site searching for details about the “Musique des Sphères” model. A friend of mine is selling a limited edtion of “La Musique des Sphères. Instead of “La Musique des Spheres” it is marked “The Sharing of the Music”.
On your chapter about “La Musique des Sphère” you mention that it is the “Concerto” model which was issued as a 2000 special edition and bears the inscription “The Sharing of the Music”. Do you know if the “Musique des Sphères” was also issued with the same inscription on this occasion?
May 24th, 2018 at 6:44 amThank you very much for your help.
With best retgards,