30 Dec
Artist: Loic Dubigeon
Year: 1985, 1992, 1997 (140cm Cash & Mous), 2003 (140cm Mous), 2008 (140cm Mous), 2008, Fall 2014 (CSPM), Sp 2016 (as 140cm silk plume)
Screens: 34
Note: You can see Rakesh Sharma, Indian cosmonaut in the border. In the 2008 editions, his name has been removed.
From hermes.com:
2014 version – The border of the “Fantaisies Indiennes” scarf is decorated with figures and animals from the frescoes and murals of the Shekhawati region in northern Rajasthan. These paintings decorated the fortified homes (havelis) of wealthy Marwari merchants who were very successful in the 19th century. A British influence is also noted with the presence of automobiles, trains and bicycles… They also depict mythological scenes including the rajput legend of Dhola Maru (Indian Romeo and Juliet) who can be seen fleeing on a camel at the bottom left of the scarf. The center of the scarf depicts a majestic Tree of Life, whose branches form vine-like foliage with lush flowers and exuberant, whimsical leaves. The tree of life symbolizes the process of creation, regenerating life, the eternal rebirth of beings and things. It also represents the cosmic axis linking the subterranean world by its roots to the sky and heavens by its branches, around which the universe is organized. The tree holds great significance in Buddhism: it is under the Bodhi tree in northern India that Buddha meditated and attained enlightenment or nirvana. For Hindus, the tree’s roots represent Brahma, the god of creation, the trunk is Shiva, the destroyer and transformer, and the branches are Vishnu, the preserver and protector of the universe.
2016 version – In the centre of this carré, an exuberant Tree of Life extends its branches laden with sumptuous blossoms and fruit, drawn with great delicacy. A symbol of the life force and eternal rebirth in many world religions, the tree is framed here by a lively frieze of people and animals, inspired by the frescos and wall paintings of Shekharvati in north-western Rajasthan, in India, where their distinctive, naïf style decorates the homes of wealthy Marwari merchants. Loïc Dubigeon’s design presents mythological scenes such as the legend of Dhola Maru (named for its two heroes – lovers who elope riding a camel), together with richly caparisoned elephants, and the British colonialists’ preferred modes of transport: the bicycle, motor-car and train.
Original 1985 edition will have copyright after “HERMES – PARIS”.
References: from 1992 “Love Letters in Silk”. [pic expired]
From 1994 “How to Wear . . ”
Kate Walsh wearing FI Mous Shawl (2008 colorway): [pic expired]
Ref No. 1744 Colors:
- Rouge Vif/Black/Turquoise (1985 CW)
- Vert Fonce/Navy (1992)
- Navy/White/Violet
- Rose/Teal
- Gray/Noisette
- Orange/Anthracite
Updated: 12/30/15
Beautiful scarf! Excellent blog, so glad I found it!
January 8th, 2008 at 7:20 amTruly stunning; one of my all-time favorites! Thanks!
February 13th, 2008 at 7:34 pm