Tuiga (2006)

Artist: Dominik Jarlegant
Year: 2006 (Special Edition for Yacht Club de Monaco), Spring 2008
Note: Originally commissioned for the Yacht Club de Monaco, headed by Prince Albert Grimaldi. It was available in only one CW and proceeds benefited the Monegasque association, Orphelinats du Monde (Orphanages of the World).
Tuiga is a ship that was launched in 1909 and is now the flagship of the Monaco Yacht Club.
2008 CWs:
- 01 Orange
- 02 Blue Fonce
- 03 Burgundy
- 04 Black/gold
- 05 White/gold
- 06
- 07 Ice blue
- 08
- 09 Beige
This page will be updated in February.